You may need to further narrow your results, especially if there are many. Using the search on the last page, 57,767 results were found. If the search is limited to Peer Reviewed items, that number drops down to 44,672.
To limit the search further, look to the left of the results
- Publication Date: depending on the assignment, consider using articles only from the past 10 years.
- Source Type: use Academic Journals for school and professional research.
- Magazines are popular sources (vs. academic sources).
- Reviews are about a source, but don’t provide usable information from the source.
- Newspaper articles typically are shorter and are written so the layperson can understand the information, whereas an academic journal will use vocabulary specific to the discipline on which it is focused.
These limitations will focus your search and give you less results. After limiting the search to the last ten years and academic journals, my search is down to 37,337
You can choose to limit the search further if you choose to.