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Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles

Mission Statement

The CT State Community College Library supports the information and research needs of students, faculty, staff, and the community by providing robust and diverse collections and services; innovative and inclusive campus spaces; and an environment that supports equity, inspires lifelong learning, and contributes to professional, academic, and personal growth.

Vision Statement

To achieve its mission on all campuses, CT State Community College Library will:
•    Participate in college teaching and learning as an essential partner
•    Provide seamless access to Library collections and services to meet students at the point of need 
•    Create accessible, dynamic, innovative spaces that support student success
•    Develop students’ information literacy skills and nurture their intellectual curiosity so they may thrive
      and contribute to their communities
•    Foster student innovation and be a conduit for scholarly research
•    Create opportunities to cultivate and mentor current and future library workers
•    Strive to eliminate systemic barriers to success in higher education
•    Be a transformative and agile organization 

Guiding Principles

  1. Commit to “we are all in this together”
  2. Our work (services, programs, decisions, etc.) is based on student needs, interests
  3. Commit to collaboration and rebuilding our foundation of collegiality
  4. Communication is important, we will create a structure to make it work
  5. We need to be nimble, ready to adapt
  6. We have a responsibility to inform and educate administrators (translate data and information into value)
  7. Commit to minimizing disruption to students, faculty and staff during the transition
  8. Commit to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion or Inclusivity in our collections, services and staffing