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Quinebaug Valley Campus Library

Quinebaug Valley ENG 1020 Composition II and Literature

What do I look for in the database?

Once you have your search terms and you have chosen the database, it is time to start searching!  There are certain boxes, buttons, and search assistance options you will be looking for in all the database you use.

All databases will have ways that you can narrow your search without having to add new terms.  When using a database, you should always look for the Limit to Full Text or Full Text Documents check boxes.  You want to make sure that the results you are seeing are only sources that are available in full text, instead of a source that is merely a description or abstract.

Other helpful ways to limit your search are:

  • Publication Date
  • Document or Source Type
    • Some professors may ask you to only use Scholarly Articles from Academic Journals


Once you have found a source you think will be useful to you, there are a few things you want to make sure to find.

  • Make sure to save your source before you leave the database.  Always try to save as a PDF when possible.  This ensures you have page numbers and that you do not have to come back to the database.  To do this look for ways to:
    • Print
    • Email
    • Send
    • Save
  • Look for the Cite button.  This will provide you with your starter citation in all the major citation’s styles.  While you can copy and paste this citation into your Reference or Works Cited page, be sure to double check the citations provided.  Ensure that the formatting (hanging indents, italics, capitalization, etc) matches the citation style you are using.