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Quinebaug Valley Campus Library

Quinebaug Valley Information for Faculty

Library Classroom Reservations

Our faculty members are able to use the library classrooms for their classes, both inside and outside of library instruction sessions.  The library classroom has 30 student computers as well as a projector for class instruction.  Check and see if the library classroom is available at your preferred time.  If you are requesting library instruction in the library classroom using the form below you do not need to fill out an additional library classroom request.

Types of Library Instruction

Librarians are available at your QVCC Library from to provide research assistance:

  • 8:00AM - 8:00PM Monday-Thursday
  • and Friday 8:00AM - 2:00PM

You also have the option of scheduling on-site research days to focus on your course or a specific course assignment. Librarians will be on hand to guide your students in their research. You or your students can also schedule individual or small group consultations with one of our librarians. These consultations can occur either in person or virtually using Microsoft Teams.

Our embedded librarians provide research help directly from Blackboard. One of our librarians will join you and your students in specific course sections in Blackboard.  Embedding allows our librarians to be more knowledgeable about the ongoing needs of faculty and their students.  Students will become more comfortable with the librarian and with asking the librarian for help.  By embedding a librarian in your course, students will receive assistance from the same place as they complete their course work.

Some of the ways embedded librarians can help students are:

  • Setting up virtual office hours
  • Assisting with selecting and narrowing research topics
  • Finding sources on the web and using library systems
  • Evaluating sources

We offer synchronous and asynchronous instruction options. You can arrange for instruction sessions that address general course concerns (accessing library resources), particular class assignments (which resources will be most helpful to your class), or broader information literacy principles (evaluating online sources). Our librarians are available for information instruction, library tour sessions, or Meet and Greets face-to-face or via Microsoft Teams. These sessions can be offered in real-time during your class, or we can provide you with a pre-recorded session that you can show at your convenience or embedded in Blackboard. 

If you use the same resources over multiple courses and want something that can be utilized in them all, you can request one or more screencasts to address library resources, general or specific database strategies, the ethical use of information, or source evaluation. 

Librarians will also create and update Subject Guides for your course or for a specific assignment. Each guide will include suggested databases, pre-selected books, citation assistance, and search suggestions and tips for all types of resources available through the QV Library. Your librarians will work closely with you to ensure that the Guide meets your needs. 

Library Instruction Request

If you would like to request any type of library instruction or you would like to consult with one of our librarians, you can fill out the Library Instruction Request form below.  You can also contact our librarians by email,