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Gateway Campus Library

Gateway SPED 2307 - Advanced Exceptional Learners

A-Z Databases

Google or Library Databases?

Suggested Databases

What is the difference between Library Databases and Internet Search Engines?

What is the difference between Library Databases and Internet Search Engines?

Library Databases

Search Engines

best resources for academic research

best for non-academic and general searches

Type of Information

Information are authoritative, accurate, reliable; e.g. scholarly articles, technical publications, eBooks, popular magazines, newspapers

entertainment, leisure related information, directory information, e.g. free personal and commercial information; very few free scholarly publications


more manageable number of results, information are organized and indexed

millions of results, incomplete sentences from the website, not a summary

Review Process

articles are reviewed by scholars, professors and researchers

no review/editorial process with regard to content


Academic Search Premier


What Are Databases and Why You Need Them