A Dictionary of Modern FranceA dictionary of France, a glossary of terms, including institutions, places, significant people (excluding most media personalities), French specialities, and a selection of other useful or intriguing expressions....
WorldReference.comFree online Oxford dictionaries - Spanish, French, Italian, German and more. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions.
Search Engines
Try the following search engines to search information in French:
BBC Language - FrenchIncluding introduction to French, French for beginners, phrase of a day, etc.
France in AmericaBilingual digital library developed by Library of Congress and Bibliothèque Nationale de France. This site includes history of French presence in North America from 16th-19th century. Full-text books, maps, prints, more.
WordPROF@French Vocabulary LessonsThis site was originally developed to demonstrate a vocabulary course taught by CD-ROM. This is no longer on sale but the site is still available for students wishing to improve their French vocabulary.
France24France24 is like a French CNN, offering world news around the clock. On their official website you can read articles or watch video content in French, English, or Arabic.
Le MondeThe official webpage for the French newspaper (Paris). Read the articles for news or for practice in the language.
French Word-A-DayA website includes fun French vocabulary, photos of Provence, regional recipes, and more...
Fluent in 3 MonthsThe Fluent in 3 Months Premium Program is a high-value membership site to help language learners, produced by Benny Lewis – a best-selling author and internationally renowned hyper-polyglot.
Quizzes & Tests
French Product QuizzesThese online quizzes are based on the content in Transparent Language's FrenchNow! program.
French Proficiency TestTransparent Language has provided this French test as a way for French language learners to evaluate their French proficiency. This French language test is for self-evaluation purposes only.