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Manchester BIO 1210 - General Biology I

Enzyme Rubric 1 Intro

B121 Grading Rubric  

Title, Introduction & References for The Enzyme Lab

                         Refer to “Writing a Scientific Report”, “Name/Year System of Citation in Biology”, the sample lab report & this rubric.  Worth 25 pts.


Point value

Earned Points


Specific and informative; must include the specific enzyme and refer to the sucrose/galactose experiment.



Do NOT include a cover page. Title this section as such and include in this order (general to specific):

Background information on enzymes in general, their structure, function & significance. Discuss enzymatic reactions. Explain the importance of the active site & why/how its shape is related to an enzyme’s function. What factors can affect the activity of enzymes? How do each of these factors affect enzyme activity and why? You must include background information on ALL factors studied in Lab Sessions 1 and 2.

Background information about the specific enzyme being studied and the chemical equation for the reaction it catalyzes.  In what organisms is this enzyme present and why is this enzyme important to those organisms (lactose intolerance, nursing)? How is this enzyme regulated (temperature, inhibitors, coenzymes, etc.)?  

For the sucrose/galactose experiment you & your partner performed, state the aim of the experiment, your general hypothesis and specific prediction.

Write a brief summary of your sucrose/galactose experiment (2–3 sentences.  Include source of enzyme, what you measured and why. Please be brief, as details will be stated in the methods. This is just to give readers an overall idea of what you did.

NEVER state results, detailed methods, nor conclusions in the Introduction! All information, ideas and work that is not your own MUST be paraphrased (restated using your own words) and in addition MUST be cited with parenthetical citations using the “Name/Year System of Citation in Biology” explained in the lab manual. Not doing this will result in a zero grade on the assignment and may result in a grade of F in the class.






Materials & Methods

You will not need to write this section for this lab.


You will not need to write this section for this lab


You will not need to write this section for this lab.


Title this section as such

You must use 4 sources of information: your textbook, lab manual and at least 2 other acceptable sources of information, at least one of which is from a peer reviewed scientific scholarly journal. (See “Writing a Scientific Report”). Websites are NOT acceptable sources and are NOT allowed. Note: These are the sources you referred to & cited parenthetically in the Introduction.

You must have parenthetical citations with correct formatting within the body of the text.

The full citation for all sources must be listed alphabetically by author’s last name using correct formatting.

The “Name/Year System of Citation in Biology” in the lab manual explains how to format both types of citations. Not having nor properly formatting these citations will result in a zero grade on the assignment and may result in a grade of F in the class.





Word processing

Typed & printed


Format & quality of writing

2 full pages (not including Reference page), double spaced, normal margins & 12-point font. Correct format used (sections titled & in correct order) and in scientific style: past tense when describing the experiment you performed (not background information), passive voice, clear & concise. Correct scientific terminology used. No quotations, contractions, nor pronouns, & free of grammatical and/or spelling errors.



Points deducted

Lateness or Absence: 10% for 1 day late, 20% for 2nd day late. Lab reports more than 2 days late will not be accepted and will receive a zero grade.


25 points