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Manchester HIST 1021 World History to the 1400s

World History to the 1400s

Writing Assignment

World Civ. I: Professor Cieglo

Spring 2019


Writing Assignment: The Mongols and Global History

DUE: Thurs., May 9th by 11:59pm on Blackboard as Word or PDF attachment

The Assignment:

Using primary and secondary source readings, answer ONE of the questions listed on the second page of this document in a 3-4 page paper.

In your paper, you must use and cite at least:

  • One primary source from the primary sources about the Mongols in Ways of the World  or from class handouts (also up on Blackboard)
  • One (or more) academic secondary sources that are NOT part of the textbook readings (although you are encouraged to use and cite the textbook as well!)


Additional Guidelines:

  • Your paper should be at least 3 FULL pages, not including the works cited page. The paper should be double spaced, in a 12-point font, and use one-inch margins.
  • It is fine to use more than one academic secondary source as well as your text-book, but all sources must be cited in MLA format.
  •  You must cite ALL  sources (including textbook and lectures) in MLA format in-text AND with a works cited page. For MLA citation format, Purdue University has created a good online resource at:
  • All papers that contain instances of academic dishonesty will receive an automatic “0” (F.) Academically dishonest practices include, but are not limited to: copying or using the work of others (either word for word or summarized) without proper citation, falsifying page numbers and names in your citations, or not including page numbers or author names in your citations.
  • The organization of your paper should follow standard essay format, including an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs with clear topic sentences, properly cited evidence with analysis, and a conclusion.


Pick ONE of the following research questions to answer in your paper:

Question 1

Why were the Mongols able to conquer such a vast territory during and after the reign of Chinggis Khan?

NOTE: Be sure to address the expansion of the Mongol empire after the death of Chinggis Khan as well as during his lifetime.


Question 2

What impact did the Mongol conquests have on the spread of scientific, cultural, religious, and artistic ideas and practices throughout Eurasia?

NOTE: You can focus on either scientific, cultural, religious, or artistic diffusion and can also narrow your focus to communication between two different areas or cultures (such as between the Yuan Dynasty and the Il-Khanate.)

REMEMBER: You must use and cite (MLA format) at least ONE PRIMARY SOURCE and ONE ACADEMIC SECONDAY SOURCE in your paper. See the first page of this assignment for a full explanation of the requirements.

Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources

Princeton University Library explains the difference between primary sources and secondary sources here:

Examples of primary sources:

  • Diaries
  • speeches
  • manuscripts
  • letters
  • interviews
  • news film footage
  • autobiographies

Examples of secondary sources:

  • textbooks
  • magazine articles
  • histories
  • criticisms
  • commentaries
  • encyclopedias


Primary source - "Diary of Anne Frank"

Secondary source - A books about the effects of World War I