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Tunxis Composition II: Abbot | Happiness

What is a Citation, Anyway?

In your academic work you are expected to provide references to the sources of information you used. These references are called citations. A list of citations is referred to as a bibliography. Providing citations serves several purposes:

  • You show where you got the ideas, text, or images for your paper. That is being academically honest!

  • Your bibliography shows how credible your work is, depending on the quality of sources you used.

  • Your readers can locate the sources you consulted and follow your research trail.

Not your very own thoughts or ideas? Give credit to the original author(s) by citing each of your sources of information!

Using someone's work and not giving credit is considered PLAGIARISM. Learn more about why you must avoid it!

Parts of a Citation

Ask your instructor what citation style to use. The example below is a citation for a journal article in MLA style that was found in a research database.

mla journal article example

MLA Help Online

Free Online Citation Tools

ZoteroBib- MLA8, APA, Chicago, Turabian and many others: no registration required.

Citation Machine - MLA8, APA, Chicago: no registration required

Citation Builder - from North Carolina State University Libraries


Not every  resource you find is worthy of your time.

Use this guide to help you evaluate your resource for:

  • Currency

  • Relevance

  • Authority

  • Accuracy

  • Purpose

CRAAP TEST from UC San Diego

Writing and Editing Help

If you need help with editing your research paper, check out these student resources at TXCC.