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Tunxis Campus Library

Tunxis Scholarships and Financial Aid

Your Quick Guide to National, State and Local Resources

Are you tall?

Are you tall?

Consider applying for Tall Clubs International Student Scholarship.


Are you under 21 years of age, about to attend their first year of higher education, and who meet the height requirements of 5' 10" (178 cm) for women, and 6' 2" (188 cm) for men?

If you answered YES to all the above, no reason to not apply for this scholarship.  Annually,  TCI Foundation awards mulitple student scholarship(s) of up to $1000 each.

Go get it!

Live Your Dream

Live Your Dream: Education & Training Awards for Women

assist women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families.

Applications accepted from August 1st through November 15th, 2024.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible to apply for the Live Your Dream Awards if you are a woman who:

  • Provides the primary financial support for yourself and your dependents. Dependents can include children, spouse, partner, siblings and/or parents.
  • Has financial need.
  • Is enrolled in or has been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program.
  • Is motivated to achieve your education and career goals.