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Manchester Campus Library

Manchester Some Math for Everyone

A collection of books that step away from the traditional textbook approach to math, using stories, narratives, artwork, and humor to connect students from all backgrounds to math topics and their applications.

Schmidt, Stanley F. Life of Fred: Calculus. Polka Dot Publishing, 2015.

Fred is 5 years old. He teaches math at KITTENS University.

He has no parents, and he lives in his office, sleeping under his desk in a sleeping bag. Sounds a bit weird? Yep.

Every day, somehow, Fred encounters various situations where he needs to use math…and so the story of young Fred unfolds, and the reader gets drawn in, because it really is fun 😊

This book in one in a series of Life of Fred books by Dr. Stanly Schmidt;

I recommend this series for…well, everyone.

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