Microsoft Power BI is a largely free business intelligence offering that is available via a desktop application or via cloud-based service. Power BI accepts most data formats including Excel, CSV, Access, SQL server and others.
Best for location profiles or interactive distribution charts that show how a specific location places relative to others on multiple characteristics. No image export.
Data: US Census
Make maps for labor/employment data. Best for focusing on very specific areas (e.g., towns).
Data: Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics: a combination of Federal, state, and other Census data on employers and employees
A great tool for examining or comparing country characteristics over time in a slick animated chart or graph. No image export.
Data focused on social, economic and environmental development.
Best for comparisons with line or Bubble charts (up to 4 variables). No image export.
Data: Large, public-interest datasets including US Census Bureau, Euostate,, and the World Bank.