1. Avoid plagiarism!
“Defined as the use of another’s idea(s) or phrases(s) and representing that/those idea(s) as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally. […] Prohibited in accordance with the Board of Trustees’ Proscribed Conduct Policy. […] Violations of the Code of Academic Honesty will result in appropriate disciplinary action.” ~ Middlesex Student Handbook
2. Cite ALL of your sources (including images) using quotations, in-text references, and a bibliography or works cited page.
3. Some Tips:
- Avoid cutting and pasting.
- Basic, known facts are OK to use (e.g., Washington was our 1st President.)
- Paraphrase (rewrite) your own ideas in your own words. If you are paraphrasing someone else's opinions, you must cite.
- Give yourself time for the writing process.
When in doubt, cite!