For help with citations, please see this handy citation guide!
Now that you've found the sources you want to use, you need to know how to ethically use the information. This means you need to Cite Your Source! Below is a quick video about why and how you cite your sources and a link to the CT State Citation guide. Included are two guides for generating citations on
Gale In Context Opposing Viewpoints and Academic Search Complete.
What, Why, How of Citations
What is a citation?
A citation is a way to identify sources when you quote or paraphrase
Why do you cite your sources?
You cite your sources to:
How do you cite?
You cite by including a(n):
This guide will direct you to information and resources on using different citation styles for your course projects.
In this guide you will find generic information about the importance of citing your sources, different citation styles you may be asked to use, and links to helpful plagiarism and citation related resources. You will also find useful information on how to incorporate resources into your paper using quotes, paraphrases and summaries, as well as information on patchwriting and how to avoid it.
Citing on Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Citing on Academic Search Complete