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Asnuntuck Campus Library

Asnuntuck - General Research Guide

This is a basic guide to the research cycle that should apply to most, if not all, subjects. Through this guide you can follow the steps of the research cycle and learn how to use library resources to conduct your research.

Citing your Sources

Now that you've found the sources you want to use, you need to know how to ethically use the information. This means you need to cite your sources! 

Below is a quick video about why and how you cite your sources. Further below is a link to the CT State Citation guide as well as links to several guides by Columbia College that are particularly helpful when you are looking for specific information about how to cite the source type you have on hand (i.e. how to cite a chapter in a book or how to cite a blog).

What, why, how?

What, Why, How of Citations

hand pulling an image of a lightbulb from a laptop screen


What is a citation?

A citation is a way to identify sources when you quote or paraphrase them in your research assignment.


Why do you cite your sources?

You cite your sources to:

  • Allow your readers to follow up on or verify information in your paper
  • Acknowledge the original author(s)
  • Build upon the prior research or scholarship

How do you cite?

You cite by including a(n):

  • In-text citation

  • Work cited, references list, or bibliography at the end of the work

 Video created by NCSU Libraries

Citation Guides