eBook Central College CompleteThis link opens in a new windowCollege Complete is a comprehensive ebook subscription that helps prepare students for academic and career success. This resource covers all academic subject areas and content for in-demand trade jobs. Gain access to content in traditional disciplines like business, management and nursing; emerging areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and criminal justice; and topics to support specific skills like advanced manufacturing, construction and healthcare.
Heat Exchanger Design Guide by Manfred Nitsche; Raji Olayiwola GbadamosiHeat Exchanger Design Guide: A Practical Guide for Planning, Selecting and Designing of Shell and Tube Exchangers takes users on a step-by-step guide to the design of heat exchangers in daily practice, showing how to determine the effective driving temperature difference for heat transfer.Users will learn how to calculate heat transfer coefficients for convective heat transfer, condensing, and evaporating using simple equations. Dew and bubble points and lines are covered, with all calculations supported with examples.This practical guide is designed to help engineers solve typical problems they might encounter in their day-to-day work, and will also serve as a useful reference for students learning about the field. The book is extensively illustrated with figures in support of the text and includes calculation examples to ensure users are fully equipped to select, design, and operate heat exchangers.- Covers design method and practical correlations needed to design practical heat exchangers for process application- Includes geometrical calculations for the tube and shell side, also covering boiling and condensation heat transfer- Explores heat transfer coefficients and temperature differences- Designed to help engineers solve typical problems they might encounter in their day-to-day work, but also ideal as a useful reference for students learning about the field
Call Number: TJ263 .N587 2016 eb
ISBN: 9780128038222
Publication Date: 2015-09-28
Geothermal Heat Pump and Heat Engine Systems by Andrew D. ChiassonA unique approach to the study of geothermal energy systems This book takes a unique, holistic approach to the interdisciplinary study of geothermal energy systems, combining low, medium, and high temperature applications into a logical order. The emphasis is on the concept that all geothermal projects contain common elements of a "thermal energy reservoir" that must be properly designed and managed. The book is organized into four sections that examine geothermal systems: energy utilization from resource and site characterization; energy harnessing; energy conversion (heat pumps, direct uses, and heat engines); and energy distribution and uses. Examples are provided to highlight fundamental concepts, in addition to more complex system design and simulation. Key features: Companion website containing software tools for application of fundamental principles and solutions to real-world problems. Balance of theory, fundamental principles, and practical application. Interdisciplinary treatment of the subject matter. Geothermal Heat Pump & Heat Engine Systems: Theory and Practice is a unique textbook for Energy Engineering and Mechanical Engineering students as well as practicing engineers who are involved with low-enthalpy geothermal energy systems.
Call Number: TH7417.5 .C44 2016 eb
ISBN: 9781118961971
Publication Date: 2016-07-08
Fire Performance Analysis for Buildings by Robert W. Fitzgerald; Brian J. MeachamA building fire is dynamic. A continually changing hostile fire environment influences time relationships that affect fire defenses and risks to people and building functions. The fire and fire defenses in each building interact with different sequences and distinct ways. Risks are characterized by the building's performance. Significantly updated and restructured new edition Fire Performance Analysis for Buildings, 2nd Edition organizes the complex interactions into an analytical framework to evaluate any building - at any location - built under any regulatory jurisdiction or era. Systematic, logical procedures evaluate individual component behavior and integrate results to understand holistic performance. The Interactive Performance Information (IPI) chart structures complex time-related interactions among the fire, fire defenses, and associated risks. Quantification uses state-of-the-art deterministic methods of fire safety engineering and fire science. Managing uncertainty is specifically addressed. Key features: Emphasizes fire performance analysis for new or existing buildings. Augments fire dynamics calculation methods with qualitative methods to form a more complete understanding of the effects of hostile fire characteristics on building performance. Describes fire ground operations for engineers with no fire service experience. An analysis evaluates ways the site and building design help or hinder manual fire suppression. Establishes a transition from traditional structural requirements to modern calculation based structural analysis and design for fire conditions. Structural concepts are described for non-structural engineers to enable the roles of each profession to be integrated into comprehensive performance evaluations. Addresses techniques of managing uncertainty to improve understanding and communication with professionals of other disciplines. Describes methods of risk management using information from the building's performance analysis. Fire Performance Analysis for Buildings, 2nd Edition has been completely restructured around a performance based framework. Applications integrate traditional fire defenses with fire science and engineering to combine component performance with holistic performance.
Call Number: TH1065.F589 2017 eb
ISBN: 9781118926338
Publication Date: 2017-03-27
Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering by Ferenc A. MohosConfectionery and chocolate manufacture has been dominated by large-scale industrial processing for several decades. It is often the case though, that a trial and error approach is applied to the development of new products and processes, rather than verified scientific principles. Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering: Principles and Applications, Second edition, adds to information presented in the first edition on essential topics such as food safety, quality assurance, sweets for special nutritional purposes, artizan chocolate, and confectioneries. In addition, information is provided on the fading memory of viscoelastic fluids, which are briefly discussed in terms of fractional calculus, and gelation as a second order phase transition. Chemical operations such as inversion, caramelization, and the Maillard reaction, as well as the complex operations including conching, drying, frying, baking, and roasting used in confectionery manufacture are also described. This book provides food engineers, scientists, technologists and students in research, industry, and food and chemical engineering-related courses with a scientific, theoretical description and analysis of confectionery manufacturing, opening up new possibilities for process and product improvement, relating to increased efficiency of operations, the use of new materials, and new applications for traditional raw materials.
Call Number: TX783.M58 2017 eb
ISBN: 9781118939765
Publication Date: 2016-12-02
Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering and Medicine by Abram S. DorfmanApplications of mathematical heat transfer and fluid flow models in engineering and medicine Abram S. Dorfman, University of Michigan, USA Engineering and medical applications of cutting-edge heat and flow models This book presents innovative efficient methods in fluid flow and heat transfer developed and widely used over the last fifty years. The analysis is focused on mathematical models which are an essential part of any research effort as they demonstrate the validity of the results obtained. The universality of mathematics allows consideration of engineering and biological problems from one point of view using similar models. In this book, the current situation of applications of modern mathematical models is outlined in three parts. Part I offers in depth coverage of the applications of contemporary conjugate heat transfer models in various industrial and technological processes, from aerospace and nuclear reactors to drying and food processing. In Part II the theory and application of two recently developed models in fluid flow are considered: the similar conjugate model for simulation of biological systems, including flows in human organs, and applications of the latest developments in turbulence simulation by direct solution of Navier-Stokes equations, including flows around aircraft. Part III proposes fundamentals of laminar and turbulent flows and applied mathematics methods. The discussion is complimented by 365 examples selected from a list of 448 cited papers, 239 exercises and 136 commentaries. Key features: Peristaltic flows in normal and pathologic human organs. Modeling flows around aircraft at high Reynolds numbers. Special mathematical exercises allow the reader to complete expressions derivation following directions from the text. Procedure for preliminary choice between conjugate and common simple methods for particular problem solutions. Criterions of conjugation, definition of semi-conjugate solutions. This book is an ideal reference for graduate and post-graduate students and engineers.
EBSCO eBooks Academic Subscription CollectionThis link opens in a new windowAccess a cross-searchable, multidisciplinary library of over 210,000 high-quality, unlimited-user e-books from leading university presses and academic publishers such as Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, Elsevier, Harvard University Press, John Wiley & Sons, Oxford University Press, Sage Publications, State University of New York Press, Taylor & Francis, and University of California Press. These ebooks cover a large section of academic subjects and new titles are added the collection continuously. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer in Fluids and Solids by Oluwole Daniel MakindeThe special issue on "Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer in Fluids and Solids" of the journal "Defect and Diffusion Forum" addresses various novel nonlinear models and computational techniques important for tackling the heat transfer phenomenon in fluids and solids. Numerical results are discussed quantitatively to illustrate the salient features of practical engineering and industrial applications. Topics covered by excellent research papers in this issue include: extended surfaces fins, reactive flow problem, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow, nanofluids dynamics, boundary layer flow, natural convection, hydrodynamic stability, biomechanics, plasma physics, physics of dusty plasma, forced convection, mixed convection, magnetohydrodynamics, thermal radiation, porous media flow and irreversibility analysis. We anticipate that our special issue will stimulate and help a wide audience of researchers, engineers and educators from various fields of human activity.
Call Number: QC 320 eb
ISBN: 9783035714111
Publication Date: 2018-11-20
Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer in Fluids and Solids II by Oluwole Daniel Makinde (Editor)This special issue on "Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer in Fluids and Solids II" in the journal "Defect and Diffusion Forum" addresses various nonlinear models involving heat transfer phenomenon in fluids and solids. Computational techniques are employed to analyze the engineering solutions in the area of heat and mass transfer and numerical results are discussed in order to demonstrate the salient features of practical engineering and industrial applications. The topics covered in this issue include: tribology, extended surfaces fins, reactive flow problem, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow, nanofluids dynamics, boundary layer flow, natural convection, hydrodynamic stability, biomechanics, plasma physics, physics of dusty plasma, forced convection, mixed convection, magnetohydrodynamics, thermal radiation, flow in porous media, and irreversibility analysis.
Call Number: QC 320 eb
ISBN: 9783035716016
Publication Date: 2020-06-29
Engineering Fluid Flows and Heat Transfer Analysis by Houssem Laidoudi; Oluwole Daniel MakindeEngineering systems and materials do experience heating or cooling of some kind during operation. Modelling and theoretical analysis of heat transfer problems will enhance the functional success of the materials and enable new product development in engineering. The special issue on "Engineering Fluid Flows and Heat Transfer Analysis" of the journal "Diffusion Foundations" presents some novel theoretical analysis of various engineering heat transfer problems. Topics covered in this special issue include reactive fluid flow, magnetohydrodynamics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flow, natural convection, forced convection, mixed convection, porous media flow, and thermal radiation absorption effects.
Call Number: TA 357 eb
ISBN: 9783035715989
Publication Date: 2020-04-02
Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Natural and Industrial Processes by G. LorenziniModern Engineering and Physics very often deal with the need for the design of natural or induced phenomena and processes and this is especially true in the problems involving heat transfer or fluid flows, often on the basis of a Thermodynamic viewpoint or of the Constructal Law. These broad areas of research are presented in this special issue of the journal "Defect and Diffusion Forum".
Call Number: QC176.8.D5 eb
ISBN: 9783035713299
Publication Date: 2018-11-20
Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Natural and Industrial Processes by G. LorenziniModern Engineering and Physics very often deal with the need for the design of natural or induced phenomena and processes and this is especially true in the problems involving heat transfer or fluid flows, often on the basis of a Thermodynamic viewpoint or of the Constructal Law. These broad areas of research are presented in this special issue of the journal "Defect and Diffusion Forum".
Call Number: QC176.8.D5 eb
ISBN: 9783035713299
Publication Date: 2018-11-20
Heat Transfer Virtual Lab for Students and Engineers by Harshad Mahajan; Ella FridmanLaboratory experiments are a vital part of engineering education, which historically were considered impractical for distance learning. This book presents a guide for the practical employment of a heat transfer virtual lab for students and engineers. Inside, the authors have detailed this virtual lab which is designed and can implement a real-time, robust, and scalable software system that provides easy access to lab equipment anytime and anywhere over the Internet. They introduce and explain LabVIEW in easy-to-understand language. LabVIEW is a proprietary software tool by National Instruments, and can be used to develop fairly complex instrumentation systems (measurement and control). Fridman and Mahajan combined Internet capabilities with traditional laboratory exercises to create an ef cient environment to carry out interactive, on line lab experiments. Thus, the virtual lab can be used from a remote location as a part of a distance learning strategy. With this book, you'll be capable of executing VIs (Virtual Instruments) speci cally developed for the experiment in question, providing you with great ability to control the remote instrument and to receive and present the desired experimental data.
Call Number: Q185 eb
ISBN: 9781606505489
Publication Date: 2014-07-01
New Development for Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluid Flow by Oluwole Daniel Makinde (Editor)The special issue on "New Development for Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluid Flow" of the journal "Defect and Diffusion Forum" addresses a number of pertinent issues related to novel analytical and numerical modelling of various problems with respect to heat transfer in solids and fluid flow. Papers presented cover exothermic kinetics in solids, nanofluids and hybrid nanofluids dynamics, natural convection, forced convection, mixed convection, magnetohydrodynamics, biotransport, porous media flow and entropy generation analysis. We anticipate that our special issue will stimulate and help a wide audience of researchers, engineers and educators from various fields of human activity.
Call Number: TJ 260 eb
ISBN: 9783035712834
Publication Date: 2017-10-25
Solutions to Problems in Heat Transfer. Transient Conduction or Unsteady Conduction by Osama Mohammed ElmardiMany heat transfer problems are time dependent. Such unsteady or transient problems typically arise when the boundary conditions of a system are changed. For example, if the surface temperature of a system is altered, the temperature at each point in the system will also begin to change. The changes will continue to occur until a steady state temperature distribution is reached. Consider a hot metal billet that is removed from a furnace and exposed to a cool air stream. Energy is transferred by convection and radiation from its surface to the surroundings. Energy transfer by conduction also occurs from the interior of the metal to the surface, and the temperature at each point in the billet decreases until a steady state condition is reached. The final properties of the metal will depend significantly on the time - temperature history that results from heat transfer. Controlling the heat transfer is one key to fabricating new materials with enhanced properties. The author's objective in this textbook is to develop procedures for determining the time dependence of the temperature distribution within a solid during a transient process, as well as for determining heat transfer between the solid and its surroundings. The nature of the procedure depends on assumptions that may be made for the process. If, for example, temperature gradients within the solid may be neglected, a comparatively simple approach, termed the lumped capacitance method or negligible internal resistance theory, may be used to determine the variation of temperature with time. The entire book has been thoroughly revised and a large number of solved examples and additional unsolved problems have been added. This book contains comprehensive treatment of the subject matter in simple and direct language. The book comprises eight chapters. All chapters are saturated with much needed text supported and by simple and self-explanatory examples.
Call Number: QC320 eb
ISBN: 9783960671237
Publication Date: 2017-03-16
Understanding Heat Conduction by William Kelley (Editor)The first chapter of this book proposes an analytical Fourier series solution to the equation for heat transfer by conduction in a spherical shell with an internal stone consisting of insulating material as a model for the kinetic of temperature in stone fruits both as a general solution and a mass average value. The chapter also considers an internal heat source linearly reliant on temperature. The second chapter focuses on the sensitivity of the numerical modeling technique for conjugate heat transfer involving high speed compressible flow over a cylinder. The last chapter presents an overview of the fundamental solution (FS) based finite element method (FEM) and its application in heat conduction problems. First, basic formulations of FS-FEM are presented, such as the nonconforming intra-element field, auxiliary conforming frame field, modified variational principle, and stiffness equation. Then, the FS-FE formulation for heat conduction problems in cellular solids with circular holes, functionally graded materials, and natural-hemp-fiber-filled cement composites are described.
Call Number: QC 321 eb
ISBN: 9781536191820
Publication Date: 2021-01-29
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