Exploring the fundamentals and real time applications of engineering elements and situations, this book includes open-ended problems, design procedure boxes and in-text discussion. There are also a number of homework examples, case studies and multi-concept design projects.
eBook Central College CompleteThis link opens in a new windowCollege Complete is a comprehensive ebook subscription that helps prepare students for academic and career success. This resource covers all academic subject areas and content for in-demand trade jobs. Gain access to content in traditional disciplines like business, management and nursing; emerging areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and criminal justice; and topics to support specific skills like advanced manufacturing, construction and healthcare.
EBSCO eBooks Academic Subscription CollectionThis link opens in a new windowAccess a cross-searchable, multidisciplinary library of over 210,000 high-quality, unlimited-user e-books from leading university presses and academic publishers such as Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, Elsevier, Harvard University Press, John Wiley & Sons, Oxford University Press, Sage Publications, State University of New York Press, Taylor & Francis, and University of California Press. These ebooks cover a large section of academic subjects and new titles are added the collection continuously. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
Materials in Machinery and Construction by Cai Jun Shi (Editor); Jue Shi Qian (Editor); Xi Gao Jian (Editor); Di Tao Niu (Editor); Fu Sheng Pan (Editor); Lang He (Editor)This volume includes papers presented at the 2nd Conference on Research and Application of Advanced Cementitious Materials and Advanced Materials Forum (CRAACM & AMF) - one of the most important Chinese academic conferences held every two years. The second conference was successfully held in China Xi'an in October 2020. Collected articles represent the last scientific and engineering research results in materials in machinery and construction, technologies of the materials synthesis and processing, nanomaterials, materials, and technologies in optoelectronics and electronics.
Call Number: TA438 eb
ISBN: 9783035718119
Publication Date: 2021-07-29
Advances in Mechatronics and Machinery by Dong Ming Guo (Editor)This book collected by results of the 20th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT 2016, October 28 - 31, 2016, Dalian, P.R. China). Collected papers represent the latest developments in the field of mechatronics, industrial measurments, design of equipment and machines for precision manufacturing. The aim of the book is to provide a valuable reference for researchers and engineers in the field of mechatronics and machinery design, who wish to further understand the underlying mechanisms and create new and practical technologies, devices and systems.
Call Number: TJ 163.12 eb
ISBN: 9783035711776
Publication Date: 2017-08-21
Materials and Technologies in Precision Machinery II by Gow-Yi TzouThis volume contains articles that were submitted to the 4th International Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology (ICPMMT 2019, Kenting, Taiwan, May 24-26, 2019) and present the last research results in the area of materials science and materials processing technologies. We hope this collection will be interesting and useful for many engineers and academic researchers.
Call Number: TS 183 eb
ISBN: 9783035716603
Publication Date: 2020-03-06
Rotating Equipment by James M. WattersonRotating Equipment: Maintenance and Troubleshooting has been written on the back of Dr. Watterson's experience in working with over 20 oil refineries and petrochemical and fertilizer industries worldwide, which spans over 30 years. Every aspect of rotating equipment is explored, from turbines, both gas and steam, compressors, pumps to the use of predictive maintenance equipment. Included in this book is an in-depth explanation of predictive maintenance techniques, such as ultrasound testing, eddy curves, visual testing techniques, such as stroboscope, liquid penetrant, and vibration monitoring. Dr. Watterson also describes clearly the value of online condition-based monitoring of rotating equipment. The primary objective of this book is to show the way to reduce cost and frequency of planned maintenance by detection of abnormalities on equipment's operating and preset performance parameters.
Call Number: TJ 266 eb
ISBN: 9781947083721
Publication Date: 2019-03-05
Mechanical Design, Materials and Manufacturing by Sandip A. KaleThough the developments in the field of electronics and digital industries are significant, the importance of the basic mechanical industry remains always on the top side. The purpose of this book is to present some advanced research studies on mechanical design, materials and manufacturing. The first chapter presents an analysis of a novel force transducer which has a special shape that allows strategic placement of the strain gauges and senses axial forces by ignoring the moments. The second chapter explains the basic principle of calculation and analysis of the defective structure of solids. The third most interesting chapter presents advanced methods used in molecular dynamics simulation of macromolecules. Chapter Four explores an extended method of mathematical modelling of Freudenstein-Chebyshev approximation theory for sigmoidal function applied to four and five precision points. Chapter Five presents an algorithm to find the transfer vertex of a given epicyclic gear train. In the sixth chapter, an analytical study (using ABAQUS/CAE) on the strengthening of the beam-column joint under seismic conditions using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets has been carried out. Chapter Seven discusses preparation, properties and applications of nanomterials, ceramics and bioceramics. Chapter Eight discusses the fluorescence of atomic hydrogen in aqueous media. Chapter Nine presents a methodology to design, develop and simulate a twin spindle turning special purpose machine based on the data collected from hydraulic, pneumatic, and electro pneumatic data which will serve as low cost automation. The last chapter is about the estimation of axial force in incremental sheet metal forming.