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Manchester Campus Library

Understanding Gaza


Welcome! The resources in this guide have been aggregated to empower students and faculty to learn and research the historical, political, and cultural context of recent events in Gaza and Israel.

The books, articles, media, and materials found here are the views and opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of CT State Community College Manchester or the authors of this LibGuide.

Please be aware that this conflict is unfolding in real-time and misinformation and disinformation abound. As critical thinkers and readers, it is our job to read broadly, identify the credibility of our sources, and contextualize the individual text in the long running historical conversation.

This guide was last updated 5/31/2024.

The Great Mosque of Gaza, al-Daraj, Gaza 
"Great Mosque of Gaza" by Aliaa M.Etaish is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0  

Books about Gazan History and Culture

Guide credits

Gina Ocasion, PhD, Assistant Professor of English

Debbie Herman, MLS, MA, Director of Library and Educational Technology