Have an article citation but not sure how to find it? Looking for a certain title for your class? Try looking up the journal or magazine in the database below, to see if the library subscribes to the full-text.
>Full Text Journal Title Finder
Note: off-campus users will be prompted to login via myCommNet to access the journal or magazine.
If we do not subscribe to it, contact a librarian (mx-library@ctstate.edu) and order a copy through our Interlibrary Loan service.
Use the library databases to find articles on your topic. While the library subscribes to many subject-specific databases, your best bet for this class is searching our general and newspaper databases. Use keywords or concepts describing your topic such as (ex. 1) 'Internet', 'influence', and 'television' .. or.. (ex. 2) 'effect', 'celebrity pitches', and 'advertising'.
Most article databases have the option to limit your search to only scholarly articles as well as limiting by document type, publication date, full-text, and more.
View this brief tutorial from Hartness Library (VT) for more information: