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Naugatuck Valley Campus Library

Naugatuck Valley CCS 1001 James Baldwin Guide for Faculty

A faculty guide to resources about James Baldwin and his works.

Getting Started with James Baldwin

Use the resources listed below to learn more about James Baldwin and his life and works. Each link will bring you to a resource selected by a librarian specifically for this course. Library databases provide citation generators that you can use to easily copy the MLA or APA citation for your paper. Any questions? Use the chat box in the bottom right corner to connect with a librarian who is ready to help.

Check out this short video on Using Pre-Research to Understand Your Topic from Credo Reference.

Learn more about James Baldwin from the Library Databases

James Baldwin Review (JBR) is an annual journal that brings together a wide array of peer‐reviewed critical and creative non-fiction on the life, writings, and legacy of James Baldwin. In addition to these cutting-edge contributions, each issue contains a review of recent Baldwin scholarship and an award-winning graduate student essay. James Baldwin Review publishes essays that invigorate scholarship on James Baldwin; catalyze explorations of the literary, political, and cultural influence of Baldwin’s writing and political activism; and deepen our understanding and appreciation of this complex and luminary figure.

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