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Naugatuck Valley Campus Library

Naugatuck Valley CCS 1001 If Beale Street Could Talk

If Beale Street Could Talk: A Guide to Library Resources

This guide is intended for students reading the selected James Baldwin essays for CCS 1001 in Spring 2024. The guide contains links to biographical and historical resources, additional works by Baldwin, literary criticism resources, and web and video links. 



Guy Le Querrec. FRANCE. James BALDWIN (USA), Romancier. Hauts de Seine. Neuilly. 8, Rue Frédéric Passy. The American Writer James BALDWIN in His Residence. 1970. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Feb. 2024.

In print: On Reserve at the NV Campus Library (Waterbury and Danbury)

Downloadable Ebook and Audiobook