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You may find additional library materials located on the shelves within the following call number ranges.
D 1-2027 History (General)
DA 1-995 History of Great Britain
DAW 1001-1051 Central Europe
DB 1-3150 Austria - Liechtenstein - Hungary - Czechoslovakia
DC 1-947 France - Andorra - Monaco
DD 1-905 Germany
DE 1-100 Greco-Roman World
DF 10-951 Greece
DG 11-999 Italy - Malta
DH 1-925 Low Countries - Benelux Countries
DJ 1-500 Netherlands (Holland)
DJK 1-77 Eastern Europe (General)
DK 1-4735 Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics - Poland
DL 1-1180 Northern Europe. Scandinavia
DP 1-802 Spain - Portugal
DQ 1-851 Switzerland
DR 1-2285 Balkan Peninsula
DS 1-937 Asia
DT 1-3415 Africa
DU 1-950 Oceania (South Seas)