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Tunxis Higher Ed Research Proposal

This is a guide to resources that will help you with your Higher Ed research proposal in Composition II with Professor Giannakopoulos

Tunxis Catalog Search

Use TUNXIS SEARCH for Books, E-books, DVDs, Audiobooks, and other items.

Sample Searches

Remember: you can narrow your search by year and by subject/thesaurus term.

"mental health programming" AND ("higher education" OR college OR university)

"student loans" OR loans AND ("higher education" OR college OR university)

"Online learning" or "online programs" AND (efficacy OR impact) AND ("higher education" OR college OR university)


Try these subjects:

  • COLLEGE graduates -- Employment (ASP)

  • STUDENT loan debt (ASP)

  • COLLEGE costs (ASP

  • Benefits of higher education

  • Value of higher education

  • College education + debt

  • College degree + value

  • College degree + earnings

  • value of college + too many graduates

  • college graduates + employment

These links will bring you to the books under each subject heading:

Education, Higher -- United States

Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives -- United States

Ideas For Topics

The Sage Encyclopedia of Higher Education

Public Opinion Polls

Search the Chronicle of Higher Education

Inside Higher Ed