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Tunxis Campus Library

Tunxis Self-Help and Well-Being

Books, Audios, Videos, and Other Resources for That Boost We All Need Sometimes

Your Well-being

The Tunxis Library and Tunxis Counseling Services have worked together to bring you the following selection of self-help resources. These titles address common issues and mental health conditions and are designed to help you understand and manage your mental health and well-being. 

If you have any personal or academic matters that are causing you distress or a diagnosed mental health condition, contact our Mental Health Counseling and Wellness Services Center, located in the Academic Success and Tutoring Center (6-209), for emotional and practical support.
Appointments can be made here.

Or Download the timely care app, medical and mental health support for all CT Community College students.

Positive Psychology

Getting Better!




Is Your Social Media/Internet/Cell Phone/Gadget Use Making You Depressed? Stressing You Out?




Body Image

Sexual Health and Gender Issues


For Faculty and Staff