Child Observation for the Early Years by Ioanna PalaiologouThis is a key text for all those studying for degrees and foundation degrees in early childhood, early years and related disciplines and for candidates on EYPS pathways. It enables students to appreciate the central role of observation for understanding, planning for and educating early years children. The theoretical background to child observation is covered in detail, the text highlights important works and considers the ethical implications. This Second Edition includes new chapters on recording and analysing and the curriculum and is fully updated throughout with links to the updated Early Years Foundation Stage. Interactive activities and real life case studies are included to help the reader engage with the text and make essential links between theory and practice. Ioanna Palaiologou is a lecturer and researcher at the Centre for Educational Studies at the University of Hull and a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society with specialism on child development and learning theories. Ioanna is currently leading the Masters in Early Childhood Studies, supervises a number of PhD students and is the Academic coordinator for Research Students Support. About the Early Years Series This series has been designed to support degree and foundation degree students of early years, early childhood and realted disciplines. Each text takes a focused look at a specific topic and approaches it in an accessible and user-friendly way. Activities pose questions to prompt thought and discussion, and further reading suggestions, including useful websites, are provided to help students access extended learning in each topic. Other titles in the series are Child Development for Early Childhood Studies, Successful Placements in Early Years Settings and Childhood in Society for Early Childhood Studies.
The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health by Gale (Editor)The third edition of The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health is a completely updated edition that contains over 65 new entries with a total of 840 entries. The four-volume set provides in-depth coverage of pediatric diseases and disorders, along with issues related to physical and cognitive/behavioral development. It is an appropriate resource for parents, teachers, and allied health students. Features and Benefits *Thematic outline. * The GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHILDREN'S HEALTH, 3rd ed. answers consumer questions about children's health from prenatal care through adolescence. * An advisory board helped develop the topic list and review the content.
Call Number: Main Collection RJ26 .G35 2016 v.4
ISBN: 9781410332752
Publication Date: 2016
Handbook of Infant Development by J. Gavin Bremner (Editor); Theodore D. Wachs (Editor)Now in two volumes, the fully revised and updated second edition of The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development provides comprehensive coverage of the basic research and applied and policy issues relating to infant development Updated, fully-revised and expanded, this two-volume set presents in-depth and cutting edge coverage of both basic and applied developmental issues during infancy Features contributions by leading international researchers and practitioners in the field that reflect the most current theories and research findings Includes editor commentary and analysis to synthesize the material and provide further insight The most comprehensive work available in this dynamic and rapidly growing field The hardcover version of this book is printed in two volumes. The paperback version offers the content of Volume I and Volume II combined into a single book.
Learning Through Child Observation, Third Edition by Mary Fawcett; Debbie WatsonThis fully updated third edition of Learning Through Child Observation is a handbook for professionals working in, or students preparing to work in, children's services. This accessible text examines the value of observation, its use in assessment and the practical aspects and methods of observational study. The authors focus on the importance of fully recognising the child's developmental and emotional state when intervening, and the need to see children 'holistically' and as unique individuals within the wider context of the family and community. This new edition reflects updates to policy and practice and further develops the critical perspective on contemporary thinking about childhood and observational methods. This edition has also expanded its focus to include observation of primary-aged children. A popular text, it will appeal to students and professionals in all children's services, whether in pre-school, schools, social care, mental health or health settings.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 1784501417
Publication Date: 2016
Young Child Observation by Simonetta M.G. Adamo; Margaret RustinObserving young children at play is an everyday and often fascinating and pleasurable experience for many of us. It also has a great pedigree in the development of psychoanalysis from Freud's observation of his grandson's game with the cotton-reel onwards. This book describes the practice of observing young children in home and nursery settings in a systematic and non-intrusive way in order to expand our understanding of their emotional, cognitive, and social development. It uses a psychoanalytic lens to enrich the meaning of what is seen. How do minds and personalities take shape? How can we train people to see what is most relevant in helping children to develop? The chapters range from classic papers by famous practitioners of an older generation to observations completed in recent years in the UK, Europe, and the US. Observation of this sort has also spread to Latin America, India, Australia, Africa, and the Far East. The differences and continuities with Infant Observation are the starting point.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 0429924372
Publication Date: 2018
Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment by Holly Bohart (Editor); Rossella Procopio (Editor)Find inspiration to intentionally develop and implement meaningful, developmentally appropriate observation and assessment practices to build responsive, joyful classrooms. The debate surrounding testing and accountability in early childhood education continues, but one thing is universally agreed upon: effective observation and assessment of young children's learning are critical to supporting their development. Educators balance what they know about child development with observation and assessment approaches that both inform and improve the curriculum. This foundational resource for all educators of children from birth through third grade explores: What observation and assessment are, why to use them, and how Ways to integrate documentation, observation, and assessment into the daily routine Practices that are culturally and linguistically responsive Ways to engage families in observation and assessment processes How to effectively share children's learning with families, administrators, and others Find inspiration to intentionally develop and implement meaningful, developmentally appropriate observation and assessment practices to build responsive, joyful classrooms. This volume is part of NAEYC's best-selling Spotlight series―great resources for the college classroom and for staff development.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 1938113349
Publication Date: 2018
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Gale eBooks - Gateway CampusThis link opens in a new windowFull-text encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.