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Diversity & Ethnic Studies eBook CollectionThis link opens in a new windowThis subscription collection includes academic eBooks related to diversity, anti-racism, ethnic studies, disability studies, gerontology & age studies, migration studies, gender and sexuality studies, cultural studies, and religious studies. The collection utilizes outside resources and scholarship to ensure that the collection remains up to date and aligned with current research. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
Overdrive eBooks and AudioBooksThis link opens in a new windowThe Overdrive platform provides access to popular fiction and non-fiction eBook and audiobook titles, as well as selected Public Domain titles from the Duke Classics Collection. If you are looking for an additional free ebook and audiobook platform, please visit eGo using the Palace app.
Advanced Community College ESL Composition: An Integrated Skills ApproachThis book has been created to provide a framework for building your skills in writing and critical thinking. It provides access to published samples from professional authors along with essay drafts from ESL students who have polished their skills in their respective writing courses.
Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL StudentsThis textbook was created for an advanced academic grammar course for ESL students. By the end of the course, students will recognize and demonstrate the appropriate use of advanced grammar structures. To meet these outcomes, students will listen to aural language that includes the target structures, identify and edit grammar errors in written language, read and analyze texts that include the target grammar structures, and demonstrate the correct and appropriate use of target structures in written and spoken language.
PDX Journeys: Studying and Living in the US, Low-Intermediate Novel and Textbook for University ESL StudentsEach unit begins with a chapter of fiction about a teacher and students in one ESL class. Reading comprehension and reading skills exercises follow. Prefix and suffix vocabulary-focus exercises are included. Academic Word List vocabulary exercises help students build a strong foundation in both receptive and productive knowledge. The following chapters in each unit expand on unit themes through non-fiction articles focusing on academic preparation, international experiences, and cultural adjustment. Vocabulary is repeated and comprehension and reading skills are further practiced.
College ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for SuccessCollege ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success is designed as a comprehensive grammar and writing etext for high intermediate and advanced level non-native speakers of English. We open the text with a discussion on the sentence and then break it down into its elemental components, before reconstructing them into effective sentences with paragraphs and larger academic assignments. Following that, we provide instruction in paragraph and essay writing with several opportunities to both review the fundamentals as well as to demonstrate mastery and move on to more challenging assignments.
Low Intermediate ESL WritingCreated for low intermediate ESL students, this OER writing textbook covers writing sentences, summaries, opinions, and narratives, as well as improving spelling and grammar.
NC 318: ESLESL: American English Pronunciation I introduces English language learners to the basic sounds of American English. Students will learn how to recognize, produce, and differentiate between the various sounds of American English. They will also strengthen oral communication and reading skills. Special attention will be directed towards the correction of vocal techniques when pronouncing difficult sounds in letters, words, and sentences.
Ohio ESLVocabulary building for ESL learners. Provides study guides and activities for all levels, as well as work on idioms and vocabulary for special purposes.