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Gateway Campus Library

Gateway ESOL 1209 - Pronunciation II: Low Intermediate

CES Hours/Location/Contact info



Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 9:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Room S205: 2nd floor of the South Building

    Contact Information   

More Information about CES - Center for Educational Services

Students enrolled in classes at Gateway may receive free tutoring. Tutoring is provided on a small group basis as available for many entry-level courses at the college including: Math, Reading, Accounting, Anatomy & Phisioligy, Biology, Chemistry, and Psycology.To sign up for tutoring, please fill out a request form in the CES. We will identify an appropriate tutor available, and contact you to make arrangements.

Development Math & English
The College Advancement Studies (CAS) Department provides drop-in tutoring at the "CES" for students in developmental math and english classes. Schedules are available at the beginning of each semester.

The Writing Center
The Writing Center is located in South 212, provides support to students across the curriculum after any developmental courses. For more information, please call the Writing Center at (203) 285-2245 or contact Professor Doree Robinson at

Academic Support for Learning Disabled Students
Appropriate academic support strategies are arranged for students with various disabilities. Individualized learning disabled tutorial service is available for students who meet the criteria as determined by the office of Student Disability Services.