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Manchester Campus Library

Manchester Information Literacy Instruction


The information literacy learning outcomes outlined below are aligned with the following CSCU TAP competencies for Continuing Learning/Information Literacy:

  • #2 “Access, navigate, identify and evaluate information that is appropriate for students’ need(s) and audience(s)”
  • #4 “Evaluate the economic, legal, ethical, and social issues surrounding the access and use of information and relevant technologies”.   


The outcomes identified below are also aligned with the six frames of the Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy (2015); namely:


Mural featuring a grayscale portrait of the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat surrounded by colorful abstract motifs.

Singlespeedfahrer, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

ART 1110 Drawing I

Students will be able to accomplish the following after a library instruction session with an MCC librarian:


Searching as Strategic Exploration
  • Construct a search in the Artstor database to find an example of a drawing by a specific artist
  • Identify databases appropriate to retrieving articles on a specific artist
  • Locate articles on a specific artist using databases 
  • Find the art books in the MCC Library including NC section, graphic novels, children’s literature and art books on reserve


Information Has Value
  • Retrieve citation for database article in accordance with citation style required by course instructor


Person holding a smartphone with speech bubbles and a network design overlay in an urban street setting.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

COMM 1301 Public Speaking

Students will be able to accomplish the following after a library instruction session with an MCC librarian:


Authority is Constructed and Contextual
  • Evaluate information retrieved from the web for currency, authority, reputation and objectivity [Authority is constructed and contextual]


Searching as Strategic Exploration
  • Identify databases appropriate for persuasive and informative speeches [Searching as strategic exploration]
  • Locate articles from databases that are appropriate for persuasive and informative speeches [Searching as strategic exploration]
  • Identify a book in the MCC Library that would be useful to preparing a speech on a given topic  [Searching as strategic exploration]


Information Has Value
  • Retrieve citations for database articles in accordance with citation style required by instructor [Information has value]


Person writing in a notebook at a wooden desk.

Photo by

English 1010 Composition

Students will be able to accomplish the following after completing the Information Literacy module found on the English 1010 Blackboard site:


Information creation as a process and Information has value
  • Reflect on the need to be information literate in the classroom and beyond
  • Recognize how the commodification of personal information and online interactions affects information received and/or disseminated online


Searching as strategic exploration
  • Identify resources available in the college library
  • Find resources using the library catalog
  • Access databases using the library website
  • Use Wikipedia with discernment


Authority is constructed and contextual
  • Identify currency of information
  • Utilize most authoritative websites
  • Question reputation of information
  • Determine objectivity of information


Information has value
  • Explain why plagiarism is wrong
  • Recognize the two exceptions to citation rules
  • Identify what types of items need to be cited
  • Locate appropriate style guide for formatting citations

ENG 1030 Composition II & Non-Fiction Texts

Students will be able to accomplish the following after a library instruction session with an MCC librarian:


Searching as strategic exploration
  • Use different types of searching language, e.g., controlled vocabulary, keywords, and natural language appropriately 
  • Select a manageable research topic  
  • Choose appropriate database(s) for research topic 
  • Demonstrate advanced database searching 
  • Locate resources from other libraries via ILL and 


Information Creation as a Process
  • Recognize the information cycle, the progression of media coverage of an event in order to determine the most appropriate resources 


Scholarship as Conversation
  • Differentiate between a peer-reviewed journal and a magazine 
  • Recognize participation in an ongoing scholarly conversation 


Information has Value
  • Format a Works Cited page in accordance with the MLA style guide 


Two people in lab coats and blue gloves examining an X-ray.

Photo by Gustavo Fring

RDT 295: Radiologic Sciences Seminar   

Students will be able to accomplish the following after a library instruction session with an MCC Librarian:

Searching as Strategic Exploration

  • Identify a book (or e-book) in the MCC Library that would be relevant to researching a given topic
  • Locate articles from electronic journals 
  • Identify databases appropriate to given topics (radiology and radiation therapy) 
  • Choose an article from a database that is relevant to research topics (new imaging techniques)
  • Locate web resources identified by the instructor or librarian (usually on Libguide) (American Society of Radiologic Technologists, National Library of Medicine)

Scholarship as Conversation

  • Differentiate between peer-reviewed journal articles and articles from a magazine 

Information Has Value

  • Retrieve citation for database articles in accordance with the citation style required by the instructor (AMA Manual of Style) 
  • Explain what plagiarism is and why it is unacceptable [information has value]