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Quinebaug Valley Campus Library

Quinebaug Valley ECON 1002 Principles of Microeconomics

Business Databases

Check out these databases for any information regarding business.

News & Newspapers Databases

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DVDs at QVCC Library 2,000 popular and educational DVDs. Borrow up to two at a time for 3 days.

QV Research - Search DVDs

Ted Talk Video Collection


What is Ted Talks?

A TED talk is a video created from a presentation at the main TED (technology, entertainment, design) conference or one of its many satellite events around the world. 

Exploring Ted Talks.

Logo for TED

  • Ted Talks are short lectures covering a variety of educational topics.  

Logo for TED Ed

  • TED Ed is a subsection of TED Talks which focuses on educational videos ideal for teaching and remote learning school education.

Stock videos are ready-made footage shot by professional cinematographers. This is very helpful if you need some footage for a video project, but do not have the means to create it yourself. 

General Databases

These databases are great to use for general searches to find high quality content. Consider also using some of the more precise databases if you are searching for a particular topic.