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Gateway Campus Library

Gateway CENT 1016 Computer Applications for Technology

Library Databases

Criteria Magazines Journals
Level: Popular, "easy reading" Scholarly, technical, research based
References: None Yes, good bibliographies and/or footnotes
Advertisements: Lots, general products, foods, household goods, etc. None or only special products aimed at professional users
Audience: Lay people, "just folks" Scholars, students of the field 
Publishers: For-profit corporations Learned societies, professional associations, governmental organizations, education institutions, or others interested in furthering knowledge 
Inclusion: Single editor or board judging piece on interest, style, readability, and conformity to the magazine's purpose 

Editorial board of fellow scholars reviewing the work for validity, reliability, contribution


People, places, general illustrations, few graphs, tables, etc. 

Generally fewer visuals; when included, tend to be tables, graphs, charts


Glossy, "snazzy", colorful, good looking 

Good paper, high quality production


Start with page 1 each issue

Continuous through volume 

* The word "journal" or lack thereof does not necessarily indicate whether or not an item is a journal. Source: Montana State University Libraries (

What is peer reviewed articles?

  • Peer reviewed articles are scholarly articles that have undergone a review process by other experts in the field before being published.

Search the library databases, many of which allow you to limit the search results to peer-reviewed or scholarly articles:

  • Read the database description first, to determine whether the database includes peer-reviewed articles
  • Check  the box which allows you to limit your results to peer-reviewed articles. For example, Academic Search Premier, on the search screen, check the box "Limit to Peer Reviewed" under "Search Options - Limit Your Results"
  • Look at the screen of "Search Results", check the box to limit peer-reviewed under the tab of "Refine Results", if you didn't set up the search for peer-reviewed articles at the beginning.