In your academic work you are expected to provide references to the sources of information you used. These references are called citations. A list of citations is referred to as a bibliography. Providing citations serves several purposes:
Book with a Single Author:
Last name, First name. Title: Subtitle. Publisher, Year.
Garton Ash, Timothy. Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World. Yale University Press, 2016.
Book with Two Authors:
Last name, First Name, and First name Last Name. Title: Subtitle. Edition, Publisher, Year.
Grimes, Corinne, and Sandra Swick. Nursing School Entrance Exams. 3rd ed., Barron Educational Series, Inc., 2007.
Book with More Than One Editor:
Last name, First Name. Title: Subtitle. Edited by First Name Last Name and First Name Last Name, Publisher, Year.
Obama, Barack. We are the Change We Seek. Edited by E.J. Dionne and Joy-Ann Reid, Bloomsbury, 2017.
Video of Speech/Talk Found on the Web:
Speaker last name, First name. "Title." Website Name, Uploaded by username (if applicable), date uploaded, URL (omit https://)
Jobs, Steve. "Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005." YouTube, uploaded by joshuag, 6 Mar. 2006,
Transcript of a Speech on a Website:
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Title of the Website, Name of the publisher, Date the resource was published, URL.
Obama, Barack. “President Obama’s Farewell Address.” The White House, The United States Government, 10 Jan. 2017,
Newspaper Article in a Research Database
Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Article." Title of the Newspaper, Date, Page(s). Title of the Database, URL (omit http) or DOI.
Rosenfeld, Megan. "The Wellesley Protest, Beyond Barbara Bush from Campus Petition to Public Debate, Students Touch a National Nerve." The Washington Post, May 28, 1990, p. B1. ProQuest,
The following are free, online citation tools:
Handout also available in the Library.