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Three Rivers Campus Library

Three Rivers ECED 1377 Guiding and Understanding Children's Behavior


Online Reference Material

Credo Reference

Reference material is useful when you need to provide background or factual information about your topic. The Credo Reference database provides millions of entries from over 800 reference books such as Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Biographies.

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Useful Subject Terms

Having trouble with your keyword search? The subject terms below are a great place to start when looking for books, videos, articles, and information on the web.

Behavioral assessment of children

Behavior modification, Children
Bullying in schools, Prevention

Child behavior disorders, Diagnosis

Child behavior disorders, Therapy

Classroom management

Discipline of children

Emotions in children

Inclusive education

Problem children, Education (Early childhood)

Problem children, Education (Elementary)

Rejection in children

Social adjustment, Children

Social behavior Disorders

Social interaction in children

Social skills in children