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Having trouble with your keyword search? The subject terms below are a great place to start when looking for books, videos, articles, and information on the web.
Behavioral assessment of children
Behavior modification, Children
Bullying in schools, Prevention
Child behavior disorders, Diagnosis
Child behavior disorders, Therapy
Classroom management
Discipline of children
Emotions in children
Inclusive education
Problem children, Education (Early childhood)
Problem children, Education (Elementary)
Rejection in children
Social adjustment, Children
Social behavior Disorders
Social interaction in children
Social skills in children
You may find additional library materials located on the shelves within the following call number ranges.
BF712-BF724.8 (Developmental Psychology)
HQ767.8-HQ792.2 (Children/Child Development: including child rearing, child life, play, socialization, and children’s rights)
LB1050.9-LB1091 (Educational Psychology)
LB1139-LB1140 (Early Childhood Education)
LB1140 – LB1140.5 (Preschool Education)
LB1141 – LB1489 (Kindergarten)
LB1501 – LB1547 (Primary Education)
LB1555 – LB1602 (Elementary Education)
LB3011-LB3095 School Management and Discipline
RJ499-RJ507 Child Psychiatry