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Naugatuck Valley Campus Library

Naugatuck Valley Instruction Services

Information Literacy Instruction at CT State Naugatuck Valley

The Grid

Our aim in creating the grid was to maximize classroom time when teaching information literacy instruction by identifying the most important skills and concepts that students would encounter at each level. We sought to achieve a scaffolded approach as students moved from FYE to 100- to 200- level courses. To do this, we examined course syllabi, the ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, and assessment data from years of FYE Library instruction.

The Framework is a flexible document that guides academic library professionals in defining the six “Frames” or core ideas of information literacy and lists Knowledge Practices and Dispositions for each Frame. We identified the Frames and subsequent Knowledge Practices and Dispositions that most closely aligned with the academic program at each level.   

We then moved from the Frames to writing our own measurable learning outcomes for each course level; beginning with an awareness of Library resources, moving toward strategies for putting them to use, and finally emerging with a firm grasp on research practices in their field of study, ready for their career or transfer institution.

The Methods and Pedagogy and Assessment rows on the grid also establish what we have determined to be best practices for engaging students in active learning during library instruction and measuring the effectiveness of these techniques toward achieving the learning outcomes.

This document signifies that instruction librarians at the NV Campus are committed to a standard of excellence in each class we teach and that we strive to offer a holistic approach to information literacy instruction during a student’s time at CT State Naugatuck Valley