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Naugatuck Valley Campus Library

Naugatuck Valley Instruction Services


Embedded librarians at NVCC work with traditional, online, and hybrid classes as educational partners

The embedded librarian discusses with interested faculty at the beginning of the semester

  • faculty needs and expectations
  • the librarian’s role as specialized, interactive information professional
  • any questions regarding the syllabus and other supporting materials
  • assessment procedures based on the syllabus’ library-related Learning Outcomes 

The embedded librarian can

  • take part in planning meetings
  • be as involved in the course’s BBL page (posted LibGuide, discussion boards, tutorial videos, and more) as is reasonable with consideration of faculty member’s frequency of use of BBL
  • create a Research Guide (Lib Guide) based on the syllabus and course content
  • present a traditional Library Instruction session and possible short session follow-ups on specific concepts, assignments, problems
  • meet with individual students or study groups during established office hours or by appointment, or in virtual office hours/meeting places to help plan their research
  • resolve problems locating paper-based or electronic resources that may be difficult to find
  • answer questions on copyright, public domain, and fair use; lead discussion on academic honesty
  • guide individuals or groups with the InterLibrary loan process

The embedded librarian can help instructors

  • request library instruction (for traditional and hybrid classes)
  • design research-based assignment or extra credit work 
  • design and include interactive tutorials
  • encourage students to attend special library programs that occur during the semester

The embedded librarian can help students

  • understand and begin the research process and begin searching for sources to support a paper, PowerPoint or other type of speech,  annotated bibliography, group or other project, and more
  • encourage use of established skills in accessing required resources relevant to assignments, including books & ebooks, journal articles in print and in databases, Films On Demand and other media, and other web-based material
  • refer students to A.C.E. as needed
  • resolve technical difficulties (with IT help as needed) in accessing library materials remotely
  • advertise special library programs and services that occur during the semester
  • help with difficult citation formats

Time Periods
The Embedded Librarian may be involved for the entire semester, for several weeks to cover a research assignment, as a guest for a short segment during one or more class sessions, or on an as needed basis only.  This should be established with faculty member during first meeting.

If you are interested in having a librarian embedded with your class, please start the process below.