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Naugatuck Valley RSCH 2011: Mentored Research Project I

Examples of Methodologies

Twin Study

Twin studies are used to determine whether genetic or environmental factors produce a certain outcome - also known as the "nature vs. nurture" debate. Because twins have identical genetic makeup, researchers can test whether traits or conditions are inherited or a result of external factors. 

In this example, which had a study sample of 766 pairs of twins, researchers are exploring the role of genetics in the trajectory of aggressive and delinquent behavior in young people. This is also a longitudinal study, as the twins participated in 4 waves over several years, at ages 9-10, 11-13, 14-15, and 16-18. 

Isen, J., Tuvblad, C., Younan, D., Ericson, M., Raine, A., & Baker, L. A. (2022). Developmental trajectories of delinquent and aggressive behavior: Evidence for differential heritability. Child Psychiatry and Human Development53(2), 199–211.

Clinical Trial

A clinical trial is done to test a new medical intervention such as a medication to treat a disease or disorder or a vaccine to prevent against a disease. In a clinical trial, one group will get the treatment or intervention and one group will get a placebo. The group that gets the placebo is called the control group. This way, researchers can determine if the group that received the intervention had a significantly different outcome from the group that did not receive the intervention. 

In this example, researchers are testing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in collaboration with medication as a treatment for anxiety. 

Campbell, S. L., Roy, B. P. P., Craske, M. G., Bystritsky, A., Sullivan, G., & Stein, M. B. (2016). Improving outcomes for patients with medication‐resistant anxiety: Effects of collaborative care with cognitive behavioral therapy. Depression and Anxiety33(12), 1099–1106.

You can find an extensive list of current clinical studies at from the U.S. National Library of Medicine. 

Cross-sectional Study vs. Longitudinal Study

The classification of a study as cross-sectional or longitudinal has to do with the timing of when participants are observed or tested. In a cross-sectional study, participants are observed or tested at one point in time. In a longitudinal study, participants are observed or tested more than once over a period of time - for example, in a study about smoking cessation aids, a group of smokers may be surveyed at an initial encounter, then 2 months later, and then a year later, to determine whether the intervention helped them to quit smoking. Longitudinal studies can be done over many years.