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Middlesex Campus Library

Middlesex Equipment Borrowing

Welcome to the Library Equipment Guide


The Jean Burr Smith Library at CT State Community College Middlesex has a variety of technology equipment, peripherals and accessories available to borrow for Middlesex students, staff & faculty. Please stop by the Library Circulation Front Desk in The Learning Commons, Chapman Hall, to learn more, or browse categories below and view each item for specific borrowing or loan terms.

General Terms & Use Agreement

Equipment must be picked up in person and returned in person by the student/faculty/staff member to the location from which it was borrowed during the library’s operating hours. Equipment may not be returned in the book drop. Middlesex Meriden campus students who borrow items from that campus location must return their equipment to the Middlesex Meriden campus during their scheduled business hours.

All patrons borrowing library equipment/technology agree to the following:

  • You agree to safely return the equipment and all of its accessories, pieces, and parts, in person directly to the Jean Burr Smith Library Front Circulation Desk, by or before the correct due date/time.  
  • Equipment must be returned in clean and good working condition.
  • Borrowers are liable for any charges to repair or replace equipment.
  • Failure to return equipment will result in a Banner hold being placed upon your student account, and you will be charged the full cost of replacing the the item.
  • You assume full responsibility for the equipment during the term of the loan, including damage to / loss / theft of equipment, or of any part of the equipment.
  • You agree to pay all appropriate late processing fees, replacement and/or repair expenses due to negligence. 
  • You assume full responsibility during the use of this equipment, and understand that the Library Staff are not responsible for providing technical support. 

This guide structure was based on a guide created by Brett Nafziger at Lied Library at UNLV and used with his permission.