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Asnuntuck Campus Library

Asnuntuck - Biology Guide


"Biology" written on notepad in blue highlighter

Image: Biology by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0


Welcome to the Asnuntuck Biology Guide. The purpose of this guide is to provide students with resources and tips for researching topics in biology.

General Research Help

Check out the links below for more information on any part of the research process. Please note that clicking on any of the links below will take you outside of this current guide and over to the Asnuntuck - General Research Guide.

Below you can find general research information regarding the following:

  1. Exploring and developing a topic
  2. Finding articles
  3. Types of sources
  4. Evaluating sources
  5. Online writing resources
  6. Citing sources

For more information specific to this course/subject, continue looking through the current research guide by using the navigation tabs on the left hand side of the screen.

General Research: Quick Start

Magnifying glass and lightbulb

1. Explore and Develop a Topic

Click here for information about how to explore topics or for information on how to narrow or broaden a topic.

2. Finding Articles

Click here information on how to use the library databases to conduct your research.

Aged scroll and quill pen

3. Types of Sources

Click here for information on the differences between primary/secondary/tertiary sources and popular/scholarly sources.

Checklist on a clipboard

4. Evaluating Sources

Click here for information on how to evaluate your sources.

Hand writing on a piece of paper

5. Online Writing Resources

Click here to find links to online resources that can help you in the writing process.

Block quotation

6. Citing Sources

Click here for information on how to properly cite your sources in the appropriate citation style for your course/subject.