Reserve items are for library use only. Items may be borrowed for a period of two hours. If the loan period differs from this, in most instances it will be specified on the item. Only one video and/ or textbook may be borrowed at a time. Items are borrowed using your Banner ID.
Circulating books will give you more in-depth information than a reference book. Often, a chapter or two will be enough to meet your research needs. Most medical books also contain extensive bibliographies or reference lists that point you to other relevant resources. Search the library catalog for circulating books.
Begin with a basic search for nursing and you'll find hundreds of books. Refine your search to find books that are more specific using additional or alternative keywords. For example:
In addition to the catalog, you can browse the circulating shelves in the "R" call numbers for nursing and medical books. The call numbers are arranged as follows:
R Medicine
RA Public Aspects of Medicine
RB Pathology
RC Internal Medicine, Psychiatry
RD Surgery
RE Ophthalmology
RF Otorhinolaryngology
RG Gynecology and obstetrics
RJ Pediatrics
RK Dentistry
RL Dermatology
RM Therapeutics, Pharmacology
RS Pharmacy
RT Nursing
RX Homeopathy
RZ Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Mental Healing