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Middlesex Campus Library

Middlesex About the Library

Mission Statement

The mission of the Middlesex Library is to support activities that are integral to the college’s mission. To this end, the mission of the library is to support teaching and learning for Middlesex's on-campus and distance learning programs by providing proactive and customer-focused service and a nurturing environment that promotes rigorous academic inquiry and lifelong learning among a diverse population.

The mission is fulfilled by the following:

  • The library supports students by providing training in information literacy skills through collaboration with faculty so that students can become discerning, autonomous, and efficient users of information; access to sufficient, high quality materials in all formats so that they can complete their assignments in as thorough, timely, and expeditious a manner as possible; and a full range of technical and public services so that they can have every chance of succeeding in their studies. The library provides faculty with the materials and services necessary to support their curriculum, and administrators, managers, and staff with the materials and services needed to further the growth and development of the college.
  • The library strives to meet the general information needs of the college as well as the general community. The library facilitates access to the collections of system and regional libraries in order to enhance service levels and provide our patrons with materials beyond our collection. The library also actively solicits advice and guidance from all its patrons with respect to collection development, new products, and offered services. The library makes every effort to insure that materials selected for the collection represent a balanced spectrum of opposing sides of an issue without regard to an author’s gender, race, color, creed, nationality or political beliefs.
  • The library aims to utilize the most current technology to optimize service. Many of the library’s resources, including its online catalog, web site, full-text electronic databases, and live reference services, are available remotely 24 hours a day.
  • The library abides by the Intellectual Freedom Policies of the American Library Association, the Library Bill of Rights adopted in 1980, and the Freedom To Read Statement, a joint statement adopted by the American Library Association and the Association of American Publishers.
  • The library strives to create a physical environment that is welcoming, centered on learning, intellectually-stimulating, as well as socially- engaging.