The majority of the library databases come from three companies, EBSCO, Gale and ProQuest. These database vendors are compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and/or W3C WAI WCAG 2.0. Please contact us if you are experiencing difficulties with any of our databases.
Accessibility features for some of our commonly used databases and vendors are listed below.
All of the EBSCO databases have a read aloud and "download mp3" feature for HTML articles that may be manually activated. Choose the HTML Full Text option. The Listen icon appears on the Tools list just under the title of the article. You can also download these audio files in MP3 format.
Gale databases provide a Listen function for full-text articles. This can be found on the detailed display screen, which can be accessed by selecting the title of the article from the search results. You can also download these audio files in MP3 format.
ProQuest databases contain many PDFs which are ADA compliant.
Films on Demand
Many of the videos in the collection have interactive transcripts. These are indicated on the video page. Closed captioning is also available.
Mango Languages
Mango Languages are designed to work with screen readers.