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Middlesex Campus Library

Middlesex Library Collaborative Work Spaces

What is Pegasus Green?

Pegasus Green is part of the college’s Learning Commons, located in Chapman Hall. Its purpose is to provide physical and virtual learning environments for Middlesex faculty, students, and staff to explore emerging technologies, to encourage collaboration, and to inspire academic excellence.

Equipped with modern technology, rooms are designed for group project work including developing and rehearsing presentations; video recording and production; virtual orientations; training and tutoring; web conferencing; and overall green initiatives.

Click on each tab for room details


Max. capacity: 3   Description: Small Recording Green Screen Mac Room


Mac Computer
Desk Phone
Pegasus Green ClearOne Chat160 Spkr & Mic
Pegasus Green Overhd Recording Unit Adjt Light
Pegasus Green Small Logitech WebEx Camera
Web Cam & Microphone for Skype, WebEx VidCon
Wired Data Jacks
Green Screen

Max.capacity:  3       Description: Small Recording Camtasia/Wbx/Skype PC Room


Computer PC

MX-Desk Phone

MX-Pegasus Green ClearOne Chat160

Speaker & Mic

MX-Pegasus Green Overhead Recording Unit Adjt Light

MX-Pegasus Green Small Logitech WebEx Camera

Web Cam & Microphone for Skype, WebEx VidCon, etc

Wi-Fi Wired Data Jacks



Max. capacity: 6   Description: Small Study/CPod Recording Room (Laptops)


PC Computers
MX-Desk Phone
MX-Echo 360 USB Recording Unit
MX-Pegasus Green Wall Mounted Panasonic Camera/Mic
Wired Data Jacks

Max. capacity: 6    Description:   Small Study/CPod Room (Mac-NoRecording)


Mac Computer

MX-Desk Phone


Wired Data Jacks


Max. capacity: 15    Description: Group Study Touch IT Recording Room w/Video Conferencing


PC Computer

MX-Creston InteractivePC/Laptop Controller

MX-Desk Phone

MX-Echo 360 USB Recording Unit

MX-Pegasus Green Wall Mounted Panasonic Camera/Mic

MX-Touch IT Interactive PC and Display


Wired Data Jacks

Video Conferencing

  • 709C's camera, microphone and speaker have the ability to integrate with your PC/Mac's video conference software, such as WebEx, Bluejeans, Skype, MS Lync
  • Instructions are available in Room 709C or at the Library Circulation Desk Pegasus Green Binder


Max. capacity: 15     Description: Group Study Touch IT Recording Room No Video Conferencing


PC Computer
MX-Desk Phone
MX-Echo 360 USB Recording Unit
MX-Pegasus Green Wall Mounted Panasonic Camera/Mic
MX-Touch IT Interactive PC and Display

Wired Data Jacks