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Middlesex Campus Library

Middlesex Library Information Literacy Instruction-For Faculty

Library Instruction Menu

Librarians are available to deliver information literacy instruction sessions via WebEx or Blackboard Virtual Classroom. The menu below provides examples of library instruction sessions. We can always customize a session to meet the specific needs of your class or assignment. Please contact the Library if you need more information.

Introduction to the Library

Topic Time Required (est.) Learning Outcomes

Meet your liaison librarian

 5 Minutes

Students will understand that a liaison librarian is available to help. For example, a liaison librarian can be invited to Vet Tech Program new student orientation.

How can the library help? 10 Minutes

Students will learn library services and resources specific to the needs of the program or class.

Choosing and Narrowing a Topic

Topic Time Required (est.) Learning Outcomes Framework Concepts
How to use library databases to develop and refine research topics  20 Minutes Students will learn to use library databases to develop a topic, conduct background research, identify keywords for searching, and adjust the scope of the topic as needed to meet the needs of the assignment.
  • Research as inquiry
  • Searching as strategic exploration

Finding Information

Topic Time Required (est.) Learning Outcomes Framework Concepts
Information cycle 15 Minutes Students will be able to explain the information cycle timeline and recognize the creation process and the features of information.
  • Information creation as process
Primary vs. Secondary sources 10 Minutes Students will learn to identify primary and secondary sources in their fields.
  • Authority is constructed and contextual
  • Information creation as a process
  • Scholarship as conversation
How to search the library catalog 15 Minutes Students will learn how to find library books on a topic, request books through the library consortium and interlibrary loan services, locate books in the library, and understand the value of using books in their research. 
  • Searching as strategic exploration
  • Authority is constructed and contextual
How to search library databases 30 Minutes Students will learn basic and advanced search strategies, choose appropriate search terms, refine search results, and use database tools.
  • Searching as strategic exploration
  • Research as inquiry
How to search for and read peer-reviewed scholarly articles 20 Minutes Students will learn to distinguish between scholarly and popular publications, search for peer-reviewed scholarly articles in library databases, and identify the key parts of a scholarly article.
  • Scholarship as conversation
  • Research as inquiry

Evaluating Information

Topic Time Required (est.) Learning Outcomes Framework Concepts
How to evaluate sources 30 Minutes Students will learn to evaluate information in a context, evaluate the credibility and relevance of the source of the information, and evaluate the content of the information.
  • Authority is constructed and contextual

Using Information Ethically

Topic Time Required (est.) Learning Outcomes Framework Concepts
How to use MLA/APA citation 15 Minutes Students will understand why citing sources matters, learn the basics of citations, and create reference lists and in-text citations in MLA or APA format.
  • Information has value
  • Scholarship as conversation
How to avoid plagiarism 15 Minutes Students will gain an understanding of plagiarism, learn when to cite, and how to avoid plagiarism.
  • Information has value
  • Scholarship as conversation
How to use Generative AI ethically and responsibly 30  Minutes Students will understand the fundamentals of Generative AI, recognize ethical implications in AI, and identify potential risks of using Generative AI in academics.
  • Information has value
  • Information creation as process