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Middlesex PSY 2004: Child and Adolescent Development


This guide is intended to be used by students in PSY 2004 who need to conduct research in the field.  Review the assignment specifications carefully. What topic area is required? How many - and what type of - resources do you need? How long is the paper?  Must all articles come from scholarly journals?  If you have any questions, ask your professor or a librarian for help.

Choosing a Topic

To find a topic of interest to you, you may want to consult:

  • Course materials (Syllabus, textbook, handouts)
  • Instructor and/or peers
  • Personal interests
  • Library Reference Databases

Search Tips

Before searching, identify keywords. These are the main ideas or concepts of your topic question. You will also want to come up with related terms in order to expand your searching.


What is the effect of peer pressure on body image?

Keywords peer pressure body image
Related terms

peer influence

peer relations


peer attitudes

social influence

sociocultural factors

physical appearance




When searching, string your keywords together with "and" rather than entering the entire research question. Mix and match terms depending on results.