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Norwalk Campus Library

Norwalk CCS 1001: College & Career Success

About CCS 1001

This first-year student success course focuses on matters related to the transition to college and beyond, as well as attitudes that will lead to success. Students explore their values, intelligences, and learning preferences while they develop goal setting, time management, and critical thinking skills. They are introduced to college resources including use of electronic tools such as myCTstate and Blackboard. Students engage in career exploration using career software and library databases to write a research paper focusing on preferred career choice. One of the highlights of the course for those who register in the fall semester is participation in the Common Read program through reading, writing, and projects connected to the chosen book. Not available to ESL students below the 142-level.

This library guide will help you complete your CCS 1001 research assignments. It contains information on career resources and information literacy skills such as:

  • How to search for and access information inside and outside of the library
  • The ethical use of information
  • Evaluating the information you find
  • Citing your sources

Please reach out to the librarians on your home campus if you would like any additional assistance.

CCS 1001 Library Orientation Video