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Quinebaug Valley Campus Library

Quinebaug Valley at Willimantic Center

Finding articles for your assignments can be a daunting prospect.  Here are some tips to help make the research process less stressful. 

Research Tips

Why? Research is one of those things that can take longer than we think it will. If you are not careful you could be trying to get things done at the last minute which could lead to mistakes. Good time management will also help you feel less stressed about deadlines!
How to Get Started:
  • Choose a topic you really enjoy - it will help you stay motivated!
  • Remember: academic research takes longer than personal research
  • Start writing early - it's okay if your first draft isn't perfect!
  • Add your citations during the writing and research process.

Bonus Tip: if you feel stuck, don't hesitate to ask a librarian for help! We love helping students with research, and may have some more tips and tricks for you to try!

Why? Saving your sources immediately ensures that you do not lose track of useful articles. This saves time in both the writing and citation phases of your research. It also makes sure that you don't waste time trying to re-find a missing resource!
How to Get Started:
  • Download, save, or email articles to yourself. Save them to one spot so you know where to find them again!
  • Save the URL for internet articles and the Permalink or DOI for database articles.
  • Copy and paste database provided starter citations.

Bonus Tip: Organization goes a long way! Have a file where you can keep all your links and citations while you are researching. 

Why? When you keep track of your research, you avoid duplicating work. You also make sure that you can find the necessary source information later. Another way to save time is by noting your citation information as you research. 
How to Get Started:

Use a Word document to track:

  • Your research question
  • Your keywords
  • Details on each resource such as: 
    • Why the source is trustworthy
    • Key information
    • Useful information for your search or question
    • Quotes used
    • Page numbers for this information

Bonus Tip: Writing down the details of your searches can help you recreate them later if you need to track down a source! In your notes include (1) the database name, (2) search engine used, (3) keywords used, and (4) any filters applied.

Why? Research does not always go the way that we think it will. Forcing research to go only in a certain direction will take more time and make the work more tedious. Plus, allowing yourself to be flexible may help you discover new and interesting directions to take your research!
How to Get Started:
  • Be on the lookout for any new keywords or topics
  • Write down interesting ideas (you might use them later!)

Bonus Tip: It is perfectly acceptable to change your topic. However, make sure you are not doing so too often or too quickly. Strong research takes time, persistence, and flexibility.