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Databases for eBusiness Research
ABI/INFORM Collection This link opens in a new window
This collection features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist and Sloan Management Review, country- and industry-focused reports and major news sources like the Wall Street Journal. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world, including expert market information and influential business news.
Business Insights This link opens in a new window
Gale Business: Insights empowers users with the necessary tools to research and effectively interpret international business topics. Access more than 430,000 detailed company profiles with company financial data, in-depth country overviews, and comprehensive industry profiles to stay current with the ever-evolving business landscape.
Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window
Business Source Complete includes full text business journals and magazines, such as the articles of Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Sloan Management Review, as well as hundreds of other business journals and publications, covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more. This robust business database contains indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
Regional Business News This link opens in a new window
Regional Business News provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces. You can search newspapers, magazines and other resources from trusted news sources. Content for Regional Business News is provided by leading publishers in business news including The Washington Post, PR Newswire US and more. Key resources include newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines and newswires. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
SAGE Business Cases This link opens in a new window
The SAGE Business Cases is a collection of more than 5,500 cases representing over 120 countries for transformative business research, including research methods for business and management, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, leadership, business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Instructors, please contact your local campus librarian to receive a Sage Verification Code to access Business Cases: Teaching Notes.
SAGE Skills Business This link opens in a new window
SAGE Skills: Business empowers students to develop and practice real-world skills needed to successfully transition from campus to the modern workplace through interactive self-assessment, virtual scenarios, downloadable data, and expert insights. Over 950 business skills topics are covered and enhanced with a range of engaging multimedia, including original videos, scenarios, data, and expert perspectives.
Small Business Source This link opens in a new window
Small Business Reference Center offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. It includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans. It offers a collection of state-specific resources supported with demographic data and other local information. Business videos include interviews, “lessons learned” features, lectures and how-to videos to help foster success in all aspects of managing a business. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
Criminal Justice - Gateway Campus This link opens in a new window
Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields.
Legal Information Source This link opens in a new window
Legal Information Source contains more than 225 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms, with more content being added on a regular basis. This database provides online full text of top consumer legal reference books addressing a wide-range of legal issues including business & corporations, family affairs & divorce, immigration & travel, money & financial planning, patents, copyrights & trademarks, property & real estate, rights & disputes, and wills & estate planning. Many of these titles are published by Nolo, an established provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new window
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. Indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
MasterFILE Premier This link opens in a new window
MasterFILE Premier provides full text for magazines, reference books, and primary source documents and an Image Collection with photos, maps & flags. MasterFILE Premier provides full text for over 1,800 general interest, business, consumer health, general science, and multicultural periodicals. In addition, this database offers indexing and abstracts for over 2,500 periodicals. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
MainFile This link opens in a new window
MainFile multi-disciplinary database with coverage of all aspects of academic study and general interest subject areas. Includes more than 4,300 full-text magazines and journals and nearly 250 full-text newspapers and newswires, and over 2,900 full-text reference books and encyclopedias. A general interest database with full-text magazine articles, newspapers, and books. Covers a wide variety of subjects such as health, education, current events, technology and business. View the EBSCO Search Tutorial Video
What Are Databases and Why You Need Them