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Gateway ENG 1030 Composition II and Non-fiction Texts


Prof. K. Yoshikawa

DataBases: Text content and streaming media

Gateway Search: Broader content access including the holdings of our sister schools


            Research and Citation Resources (from the Purdue OWL) for APA, MLA and other formats


            Note the entries in the directory in the left channel

            General format, In-text citations the sample papers and reference/works cited pages

Side-by-side comparison of APA, MLA, and CMS styles

            Use CONTRL + F to find terms in the chart such as in-text or film

Citefast is a FREE citation generator. Generate and manage your references and in-text citations

Citefast Tutorial

Citefast Style Guide

​Google search standard, advanced and tools, to include including images and videos/YouTube

Sample Topics & Resources:

Solar, renewable and power/ energy

Solar power (video) | Energy | Khan Academy

How do solar panels work? - Richard Komp


Sex? Sexual Orientation? Gender Identity? Gender Expression? Knowing the difference can make all the difference to students who do not conform to binary norms.

Academia has a gender equality problem. Here's how to fix it

Growing Up Trans | Watch S34 E1 | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site

Professor Gaines Recommended Databases

  • Country Watch - Basic information on the countries of the world.
  • CultureGrams - Cultural information on the coutries of the world.