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Housatonic Campus Library

Housatonic Bionutrition and Diet (Pre-Nutrition Transfer Degree Program)

This program is designed for students who seek to become a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist. Upon completion of the associate pre-nutrition degree, students have the opportunity to apply for transfer to a 4- year university to complete the degree for Reg

Database Articles


 CINAHL provides full text for more than 610 journals indexed in CINAHL®. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index - with no embargo. Full-text coverage dates back to 1981

For 15 years, we have been making scientific research freely accessible and discoverable through partnerships, innovation and collaboration with the scientific community. Dedicated to open research, we now publish over 290 quality peer-reviewed journals in Biology, Clinical Medicine and Health.


PubMed comprises over 25 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. PubMed also provides access to additional relevant web sites and links to the other NCBI molecular biology resources.
CDC Stacks is a free, digital archive of scientific research and literature produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This online archive is composed of curated collections tailored for public health research needs. This repository is retained indefinitely and is available for public health professionals, researchers, as well as the general public. 
provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Also featured are abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals.
A rich collection of consumer health information. This resource provides access to nearly 80 full text, consumer health magazines, including American Fitness, Better Nutrition, Fit Pregnancy, Harvard Health Letter, Men's Health, Muscle & Fitness, Prevention, Vegetarian Times, and many others.