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Middlesex ChatGPT and Generative AI-A Faculty's Guide

AI Detector

AI Detectors are not reliable and accurate. Some detection tools may have privacy policies that violate FERPA or have harmful data collection policies. For this reason, you will need to scrub any personally identifiable information. If you are curious about AI detectors, you can test out these tools.

Tips for Detecting AI Generated Content

Knowing these ChatGPT flaws can help you identify AI-generated texts:

  • ChatGPT generates fake references. In-text citations and the reference list may not match. 
  • ChatGPT lacks ability for expression. Expression is the act of communicating thoughts or feelings.
  • ChatGPT summarizes the topic but does not offer a unique insight into the topic.
  • ChatGPT is too wordy. OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, acknowledges that giving verbose answers is a known limitation.
  • ChatGPT has a writing style that is not only verbose but also tends to follow a template that gives the content a unique style that isn’t human.
  • ChatGPT’s responses are generally strictly focused on the given question, whereas humans’ are divergent and easily shift to other topics.
  • ChatGPT contains a bias towards being neutral.
  • ChatGPT output has a bias that prevents it from loosening up and answering with ordinary expressions. Instead, its answers tend to be formal.

Search Engine Journal."11 Disadvantages Of ChatGPT Content". Search Engine Journal. 31 January 2023.